Discover e.V.
Berglenstr. 10
D – 71364 Winnenden
Tel.: +49 (0) 7195 584 607

Information sheets for Trainers in Africa

Together with our partners in Africa, some of whom have extensive experience, Discover has prepared a series of information sheets on a wide variety of topics. These will be of particular use for those training teachers or small-scale farmers who are motivated to improve the nutrition and health of their pupils, families and communities.

You are welcome to use this material for your own use and for teaching others, provided you acknowledge Discover as the source. This information may not be used for commercial purposes. If you wish to use this material in any publication, please seek permission beforehand from Discover e.V. in Germany.

July 2018: Coping with Drought: Suggestions and Ideas – a 20 page document written to help colleagues in Africa cope with very long, dry periods.

The Discover Starter-Pack is designed for people who wish to learn about some important healing plants on their own and for people attending their first training in natural healthcare.
The Discover Starter-Pack is also available in French.

Nutritional and medicinal plants
Aloe vera
Bidens pilosablackjack
Carica papaya – pawpaw
Centenella Asiatica – Indian Pennywort
Costus pictus – insulin plant
Hibiscus sabdariffaroselle
Moringa oleifera
– shorter version
Moringa oleiferalonger version
Mucuna Puriens – Velvet Bean
Phyllanthus niruri – Stone breaker, Chanca piedra
Urtica dioica / Urtica massaica – stinging nettle

Diseases and other health complaints
Arthritis and General Body Pain
Ebola virus disease
Hepatitis B

Natural medicines and treatments
Honey Ointment
Lemon Garlic Elixir
Oil Pulling
Probiotic health tincture
Remain strong and healthy – with a strong immune system

Bag Gardens
Faidherbia Albida
Permaculture in Malawi
Soil, soil fertility, seeds and small scale agriculture

Simple technologies
Charcoal refrigerator
Slow sand filter
Tippy Tap
Plastic – challenges and opportunities
Mosquito Trap
Solar driers

Conflict resolution and peace-making
The CHIPS work of making peace

Tips for trainers
How much do participants remember?

Income generation and community finances
How to increase the amount of money in the community
Ideas for income generation
Table Banking