Partners in Africa
The following people and groups are those with which we work most closely. We have full confidence in them. We are in regular contact. We give moral support and encouragement, also financial support when we are able. They give us feedback, and we all benefit from their knowledge and experience.
Most of our partners are experienced trainers in the fields of organic gardening, the cultivation and use of medicinal plants, nutrition, protecting indigenous tree species, hygiene and income generating projects. You may contact them to discuss the possibility that they conduct training for your organization, or to ask whether you may sponsor somebody to attend their next training event. To contact them, right click on their name and copy their email address into your own email program.
Christopher Nyakuni is based in Lodonga. His job is to train catechists in the Arua Diocese. He also trains them in natural healthcare and conflict resolution. In Lodonga village he has formed a local “peace team” and coordinates a very successful savings group. In his home village of Nyirivu he has formed the community development organisation “Jaford” (Joint Action for Rural Development) which also provides training in the community and has contributed significantly to reducing conflict between rival clans.
Rehema Namyalo coordinates Vumbula Masaka (meaning Discover Masaka). Rehema is a very experienced organic gardener and natural medicine practitioner and an excellent trainer. Rehema has her own herbal clinic in which she succeeds in treating a wide range of health conditions, even in cases where the formal health services have failed. Rehema and her colleagues Andrew Kyambadde (pastor and farmer) and Evelyne Nakamatte (secondary school headteacher) sometimes run intensive seven-day seminars in natural healthcare. If you would like them to run sich a training for your organisation, write to Rehema.
Eric Kihuluka coordinates the Mikwano (meaning friendship) project in Kaliro and has won the support of the local authority, clan leaders and the local king. They have commenced a programme of training for teachers and pupils from all 220 schools in the district in nutrition and hygiene. Together they are establishing school gardens, and devising ways whereby school lunches can be provided. Music, dance and drama are being introduced as effective, fun teaching methods. Mikwano is establishing a demonstration farm and garden with a teaching centre as a resource for the entire district.
The Kasese Network comprises the following three projects. The projects have conducted several joint training seminars which have included not only natural healthcare but also fuel efficient stoves, income generating projects, mushroom cultivation, conflict resolution and coping with drought conditions. Each of these topics has been a response to the needs of the area as defined by our partners. The teaching on the topic of coping with drought includes the cultivation of drought-resistant, traditional vegetables, rainwater collection, tree planting and the treatment of drought related health complaints.
Emmanuel Masereka, Project leader of BioGardens based near to Kasese at the foot of the Rwenzori Mountains. BioGardens main activity is to train farmers in the district in organic farming.
Kenja Thomas, Project leader of IPOA widows and Orphans Group in Kighenge and Karujumba villages at the foot of the Rwenzori Mountains.
Robert Bwambale, Coordinator of Bumbura Maliba (meaning Discover Maliba), a growing community association with 74 members, in Maliba, near to Kasese.
Joseph and Milly Grace Ogwal coordinate the JÜPOA project in Lira. They work with local communities and schools. They have developed a wide range of medicinal products and protect indigenous tree species for ecological conservation. They are developing an ambitious Discover Action Program.
David and Heather Sharland, Heather is a nurse and David an agriculturalist, in Arua. David has developed the Eden project, a wonderful training and demonstration garden of vegetables, medicinal plants and useful trees.
Enid Kiviri in Kampala coordinates Vumbula Kalerwe, an active group of people doing their best to better their health and welfare in tough urban conditions.
Daniel Twesige in Jinja coordinates the Scope Foundation, which responds to the current need of a support structure for children with incarcerated parents in Uganda. Through their Protection, Empowerment and Advocacy approach (PEA), they create an environment for the children to survive and thrive, giving them opportunities that facilitate holistic development.
We are also proud to be closely associated with Anna and William Mwesigye of the Emmaus Community near Luweru, Judith Bakirya of Busaino Fruits & Herbs in Jinja, Tony Wambazu and Yusuf Makabale near Mbale, Waiswa Samuel in Iganga and Alex Macakadho in Pakwach.
REAP (Rural Extension with Africa’s Poor) is a Christian, agricultural project based in Kenya and coordinated by Dr Roger Sharland. REAP teamed up with anamed (see partners in Europe) several years ago and incorporated natural medicine into its teaching programmes. In Kisumu REAP has developed an excellent garden including traditional vegetables and other nutritional and medicinal plants, using sustainable practices that are based on caring for the soil. Discover is grateful that this wonderful training facility is available to Discover partners. Discover has partnered with REAP in natural healthcare training in Butere. Roger Sharland and Rosalia Oyweka.
The Fweny Network in South Nyanza is a network of about 12 self-help groups. They offer training in natural healthcare and related topics to all self-help groups in the district. Tamima Omondi in Oyugis
Beldine Ajwang in Kendu Bay
and Philemon Okot in Oyugis.
Florida Nyaga coordinates the Mazingira Self-help group In Ruguta, near to Chuka and Mount Kenya, and runs a very active health club in the primary school where she teaches. The Kendamenua Association is also based in Ruguta, they make natural medicine products and aim to train many in the surrounding region. Nearby in Mwiria Anna Gatea coordinates Christian Concern for Health which trains the local community in natural healthcare.
In Nairobi Rebecca Nzuki and Sammy Nzuki coordinate many groups in Nairobi and Machakos under the umbrella of the Salvation Army.
Joachem Hatizivi Nyamande is the Founder and Coordinator of Discover Zimbabwe which is particularly active in Manicaland. Joachem was for many years Director of the Diocese of Mutare Community Care Programme. As part of his duties he supervised the work of several herbal clinics and between 2006 and 2010 ran training seminars with Nelson Moyo from Malawi and Keith Lindsey. In 2017 he won the prestigious NGO Director of the year award in Zimbabwe.
George Zokli is a long-term moringa expert who trains people in natural healthcare in Ghana and the Ewe speaking region of Togo. His entrepreneurial spirit has led him to produce delicious health juices and teas which contain a range of the best ingredients from his farm.